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Other past gifts

Covid-19 Response - Thanks to great generosity of our supporters,

Rwanda Direct some of our largest grants were given to support

God's Church through the Coronavirus crisis. Lives were saved, 

God's pastors encouraged and the Church able to help.


Water Tank - Rwanda Direct funded a water tank at the

Church in Gasogi, which benefits the whole community. 


Milk & Manure - Rwanda Direct funded the purchase of

3 cows for Kigali Anglican Theological College (K.A.T.C.)

which means that staff and students have milk and vegetable 

crops can be manured, helping the College to be more



Books - these have been supplied for the Scripture Union

(S.U.) and K.A.T.C. (now EACC) libraries. 


Keyboard - bought for use at S.U. to lead worship especially

at Young Peoples activities. 


Sewing and knitting machines - Rwanda Direct worked with "Tools with a Mission" to send these to S.U. in Rwanda. S.U. distributed them to the Widow's Groups which they facilitate. The widows make school uniform jerseys which they sell to generate income. 


You Tube clip of sewing machines in action

Rwanda Direct Ltd Company No 08137530, Registered Charity No 1150065

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