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Christian Leadership Formation

Rwanda Direct believes that it is the Church in Rwanda

that should set its own priorities, not people in the UK!

Whenever we have asked Archbishops, Bishops and other

leaders what is the most important need in supporting the

Church financially in Rwanda we always get the same reply

"Theological Education". However it is not popular with funders

from the west who tend to favour development and aid projects,

particularly those for children. It's hard to raise support for

leadership and theological education. 


The Church in Rwanda understand that theological education

provides the foundations for all that it wants to do. This is not

a limited 'spiritual' view of theology which we often hear about

in the west but a holistic understanding that touches every

area of life. 


This work is at the very core of Rwanda Direct; it is the key that opens so many doors for the growth of the church in Rwanda.   Rwanda Direct supports theological education in a number of different ways. 


East African Christian College (EACC) (formerly KATC)

The largest regular grant goes to EACC where the current Principal Papias runs an innovative modular degree level course for pastors which integrates much practical application along with the theory. There is no false divide between spiritual and physical, so all of life is covered! The impact of this training is incredible and transformational. It is undoubtedly one of the most significant pieces of applied theological education in the world today. EACC has recently received substantial funding so it has many new buildings. As the government requires all pastors to have a degree by 2023, they are delighted that they have been accredited in December 2020 as a degree awarding college. Even with the new buildings the Church still finds it hard to finance the courses - more help is desperately needed to equip the leadership of the Church for the needs for transformative leadership.


Scripture Union

Grants SU to allow existing leaders to be supported across many denominations, Bible reading notes to be produced for 10s of thousands of Christians, Sunday School teachers, College students, Secondary School Christian Union Leaders all receive training at SU. 



Individual scholarships have also been given, currently to Gahini diocese for 5 existing graduates to recieve theological training as a post graduate diploma. An example of the support given in the past is Rev James Ndamyumugabe, who recently finished his Master of Education and has returned to Kigeme diocese as Head of the Bible School and Education as well as being a Parish Pastor. 


KATC new campus
Dr Papias Musafiri Malimba
New Dormitory
Students Retreat Day
Growing Library

Rwanda Direct Ltd Company No 08137530, Registered Charity No 1150065

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